Disclaimer: This is just what I consistently listen to. I probably listen to like 300% more than this. This was compiled in 2013.
Avcii -- [Electronic] Gotta show him some love.
Alexi Murdoch -- [Acoustic?]Kind of an odd one out for me. Really profound acoustic stuff. Really fantastic melodies, very dark sounding stuff.
Amanda Blank -- [Synthpop] She's got a very unique style and some interesting lyrics, usually sexual in nature. Listen to her.
Aesop Rock – [Hip-hop] Very strange style lyrically and his beats are dope. Some of the greatest delivery in the game, and a keystone of any hiphop head's library. Signed to rhymesayers... what else can I say other than this cat has literally been in the game longer than most of you have been alive if I had to guess. I mean that very very literally. Give him a listen on spotify or something.
- [A]
Avcii -- [Electronic] Gotta show him some love.
Alexi Murdoch -- [Acoustic?]Kind of an odd one out for me. Really profound acoustic stuff. Really fantastic melodies, very dark sounding stuff.
Amanda Blank -- [Synthpop] She's got a very unique style and some interesting lyrics, usually sexual in nature. Listen to her.
Aesop Rock – [Hip-hop] Very strange style lyrically and his beats are dope. Some of the greatest delivery in the game, and a keystone of any hiphop head's library. Signed to rhymesayers... what else can I say other than this cat has literally been in the game longer than most of you have been alive if I had to guess. I mean that very very literally. Give him a listen on spotify or something.
Aether – [Pure bliss. Beat smith]. Listen to the album Artifacts. This music changes your mood. It's otherworldly, but not trippy.
Agraceful – [Post Hardcore]. Every song sounds the same. They scream and such. Decent production for what it is, this is my 8th grade music.
Akissforjersey – [Post Hardcore], with not so much screaming; amazing band. They have a very unique sounding vocalist, and some pretty sweet riffs.
Alexisonfire – [Post Hardcore] Same as above. Very similar, even in name. Very distinct vocals though.
Anberlin – [Indie] Groovy singy music. I’m not much a fan myself…
Animals as Leaders – [Guitar]GUITARRRRR RAAAPPPEEEE
Apollo Brown – [Beat Smith] This guy makes some dope beats…really mellow stuff, it's great listening music.
As Cities Burn – [Post Hardcore] Christian music for sure, but still amazing. Indie post-hardcore for the genre, but the lyrics are amazing and each album is fairly different-- For that matter so is each song. Check out Our World Is Grey.
Astronautalis – [Low Tone][Hip-Hop] White rapper from Minneapolis's Label Rhyme Sayers. Really mellow stuff, very Indie to it's core. This guy is incredibly talented and great at telling stories. Rhyme schemes are flawless, I'd highly recommend studying up on this guy.
Athletic Mic League – [Classic Hip-Hop]Really tight group, if you’re into hiphop. It's bringing it back to its core nature and roots both in lyrics and delivery.
Atmosphere – [Hip-Hop] HA! Yeah right, like you don’t already know all of his songs! Founder of Rhyme Sayers label, Slug & DJ Ant together. It's the god group. Seriously, if you haven't memorized at least one of his songs you've been living in a hip-hop cave.
- [B]
Busdriver -- [Rap / Hip-Hop] ill flows and fast raps. straight dope.
Blackmill -- [Electronica] Super relaxing electronic melodic music. It's like dubstep with a melody.
Borgore -- [Dubstep / Trap] killed dubstep. He will die a legend because he does he wants.
Before Today / Pierce the Veil – [Indie Post Hardcore] This is the same band as Pierce the Veil they just changed their name. I'm a fan of the old stuff.
Borgor -- [Dubstep / Trap] Killed dubstep. Israeli and a crazy muffugha. Don't just listen to what I've linked, he has a lot of different sounds (mostly "old dubstep") the stuff I've linked is he newer "trap" music.
Bubble Gum Octopus -- [Hipster Bullshit] toss in! Electro-scream-core-experimental-wat?
Borgor -- [Dubstep / Trap] Killed dubstep. Israeli and a crazy muffugha. Don't just listen to what I've linked, he has a lot of different sounds (mostly "old dubstep") the stuff I've linked is he newer "trap" music.
Bubble Gum Octopus -- [Hipster Bullshit] toss in! Electro-scream-core-experimental-wat?
Blazo – [Beat smith]Like Nujabes with a jazz twist?
The Bloody Beetroots – [Electronic] AHHHHHHHHHHH go listen. DRUNK PARTY MUSIC! {warp}
Blu & Exile – [Classic Hip-Hop] Really mellow indie stuff. The DJ is fantastic and the deliver from blu is absolutely astonishing He touches on some very real life shit. It's well mastered and very professional grade stuff considering what they're using. They've been at it awhile now, so I'd check these cats out.
Being as an Ocean – [Post hardcore] An upcoming band of 2013 that is really knocking my socks off. Post Hardcore, their lyrics are fantastic, but the vocals are astoundingly powerful. The dude looks like a total boss. Sounds very similar to Life in Your Way, Burden of a Day, and As Cities Burn.
Being as an Ocean – [Post hardcore] An upcoming band of 2013 that is really knocking my socks off. Post Hardcore, their lyrics are fantastic, but the vocals are astoundingly powerful. The dude looks like a total boss. Sounds very similar to Life in Your Way, Burden of a Day, and As Cities Burn.
Blue Scholars – [Classic Hip-Hop] Really mellow indie hip-hop to it's roots (blue cholar rap)( This is some really catchy stuff. These guys are owning the game in terms of easy listens. I'm not sure if it's intended, but I believe Blue Scholars is a play at Blue Choler, considering their music should be described that way.
Blue Sky Black Death – [I don't know. Beat smith? Idk...] totally ridiculous producing & features some great rappers on a lot of their albums. BSBD is one of the greatest groups in terms of producing. They've got a ton of different sounds, all of their albums are unique, and very much recommended (With the Holocaust, Hell Razah (linked), or with Yes Alexander (slowburninglights, my favorite), a really submissive female lyricist - Yex Alexander if you'd like more of her)
Brand New – [Indie] So I've know these guys now a bit over a decade. My friend in 7th grade had his cousin who knew them when they were just getting big drive us down to Long Island and we heard their first live tour show of their 2nd album (the one that got them pretty big). These guys are fucking phenomenal Really melodic emotional stuff. Religious, but amazing. Give them a shot. Listen to at least 3 songs off different albums. Really.
Brainchild – [Hip-hop] A really unique hiphop style. I'm digging it. Can't really find this cat on youtube...
Brainchild – [Hip-hop] A really unique hiphop style. I'm digging it. Can't really find this cat on youtube...
Breaking Benjamin – [HardRock] They’re on the radio, you should know them. Seriously. I'm not linking them.
Burden Of A Day – [Post Hardcore] (I think?): Some really strong rock music. Similar to Senses Fail and such and Life in Your Way. Just a really great overall sound. Polished I suppose. Very Christian, but still amazing.
Not really a fan of the new album, but their old one is fantastic.
- [C]
Celldwelder -- [Dubstep/Electronic Metal]
Caravels - [Melodic Metal] Similar to the rest of the melodic metal I'm into. Check out the link.
Counterparts - [Chaotic metal]. A bit like Circle Takes the Square mixed with Burden of a Day. They're pretty decent. Give them a listen. This is not your entry level shit.
The Casual Lust -- (Yes Alexander vocals). This band has been reformed as "Lust". Their vocalist (The one featured on Blue Sky Black Death's 'Slow Burning Lights' LP is absolutely astonishing. One of the most soothing voices I've ever heard. This is groovy and melodic all together.
Childish Gambino – [Rap / Hip-hop] Amazing lyrics (albeit childish), great flow, kid used to be an actor, and a comedian now. Donald Glover.
Chiodos – [Definition of Post Hardcore] This is your entry level band, but not to be overlooked. Just because someone is popular doesn't mean they're not talented. I'll forever be a chiodos head. They scream and sign and they're fairly well known for their shenanigans. They set the bar pretty damn high. Craig Owns voice is one of the most powerful in the genre of post hardcore. Give them a listen.
Circa Survive – [Indiecore?] Anthony Green from Saosin. Need I say more? This is a much more mellow toned down band than Saosin, but Anthony's voice is still one of the greatest out there. Absolutely fantastic stuff.
Circle Takes the Square – [Progressive Melodic Metal][Screamo](Skramz style, but directly in that movement). This is Screamo the way it was meant to be, not that bullshit everyone calls screamo because it screams.. and it's a GOD DAMN MASTER PIECE! Some of the best stuff ever. These guys have spent YEARS (literally) crafting songs and recording sessions. After a long hiatus they finally recorded their new LP. I'm absolutely blown away by the female vocals. Two vocalists, both scream. It's truley a work of art. Honestly, check out their album, the cover art is even hand made.
Common Market – [Hip-hop] group, really hope like Blue Scholars.
Crystal Castles – [Electronica][Some crazy drug addict music for E freaks] I mean seriously go ask Alice. Bitch cray. There are no words.
Crystal Castles – [Electronica][Some crazy drug addict music for E freaks] I mean seriously go ask Alice. Bitch cray. There are no words.
Confide – [Metal / Post hardcore] These guys are just your average screaming dance around the stage and singing about stuff band. They're decent, if nothing else.
CoCoRosie – [Hipster] Seriously these girls are ….amazing. Totally unique and their videos are some of the best I’ve ever seen! Very mellow singing.
- [D]
Deca [hip-hop] -- This dude is so tight on the beat and his delivery is on a different level. To top it off, his lyrics are fucking prolific as well is his subject matter. Really dope stuff.
The Doppelgangaz -- [hip-hop] Some really smooth hiphop. Great duo, one of my favorites. Pretty underground and certainly worth checking out.
Dance Gavin Dance – [Definition of Post hardcore] My god...where to start...You either A) Already know them…or B) you should. They're one of the best of the genre, honestly paving the way. They've got a few albums...you really need to read the wikipedia on them. So much drama... so much emotion. It's all real shit....and Johny Craig is objectively some of the best vocals out there. Period. Go listen right now. 5 star band here. This is the epitome of whatever the genre, they are.
Dillon Francis -- [Dubstep] One of the best out there right now in the genre along with KTN. I don't give a fuck or shit.
Deadmau5 -- [Electronic] To be honest I'm really only a fan of this when I'm drunk.
The Doppelgangaz -- [hip-hop] Some really smooth hiphop. Great duo, one of my favorites. Pretty underground and certainly worth checking out.
Dance Gavin Dance – [Definition of Post hardcore] My god...where to start...You either A) Already know them…or B) you should. They're one of the best of the genre, honestly paving the way. They've got a few albums...you really need to read the wikipedia on them. So much drama... so much emotion. It's all real shit....and Johny Craig is objectively some of the best vocals out there. Period. Go listen right now. 5 star band here. This is the epitome of whatever the genre, they are.
Dillon Francis -- [Dubstep] One of the best out there right now in the genre along with KTN. I don't give a fuck or shit.
Deadmau5 -- [Electronic] To be honest I'm really only a fan of this when I'm drunk.
Devil Sold His Soul – [Original Screamo] / [Skramz movement] if I remember correctly: AMAZINGLY TALENTED check out Circle Takes the Square if you're digging these guys as well The Saddest Landscape and few other of the skramz movement. I've got them listed under screamo about 10 i'd say now. Her Breath on Glass, etc.
The Devil Wears Prada – [metal / grindcore? / Phxc] A joke of a band honestly. 8th grade music, but yeah...At least they understand how to name songs? Swords, Dragons, and Diet Coke!
Dr. Quandary – [IndianCrazy music] [Zen?][Hipster] World Around Records cat. Really mellow guy. Met him a few times, really unique character. Brilliant musician. Hipsters pay a lot of money to be like this cat.
The Dust Brothers – [Rock] Where is my mind by the Pixies is linked. I'm dumb. But these guys (dust brothers) made the fight club sound track!– The pretty awesome stuff to groove too.
Earl Sweatshirt -- Fear Early. Golf wang!
Emarosa – [Post hardcore / Indie] Scream...ing..o? Well they were...At least check out the link when they got Johny Fucking Craig from Dance Gavin Dance and shit got real! No screaming album self-titled 2010 is absolutely amazing. Craig is objectively one of the best in the genre on par with like Anthony Green from Saosin. Perhaps better. I don't say that lightly.
Eminem - It’s fucking Eminem….and I fucking listen to him.
Envy On The Coast – [Indie Progressive] Some strange band that sings pretty well. I’d compare them to the older Pierce the Veil.
Evidence – [hip-hop] Atmophere’s hiphop label for a reason.
Evidence – [hip-hop] Atmophere’s hiphop label for a reason.
Eyedea – [Hip-hop] It’s fucking eyedea….you can't look me in the eye and tell him you don't everything he's ever written by heart and call yourself a hiphop head. This kid fucking won scribblejam when he was 18. He is a legend, sadly gone from this earth too young.
Eyedea & Abilities – Same ^ I really shouldn't have to be the one to pop your eyedea cherry. All of you should already be well versed with his discography. ReyeP. Seriously, go look up eyedea on spotify.
Eyenine – [Rap / Hip-hop] [Underground] Some fucking rapping wizard I met from New Hampshire. Check this kid out! He’s amazing with lyrics and speed rapping soooo much talent.
Ellie Goulding -- Some super talented girl that sings songs. Check our Lights and Only You.
Ellie Goulding -- Some super talented girl that sings songs. Check our Lights and Only You.
- [F]
Frameworks - [Screamo] Oh. My. God. My buddy Chris just sent me this link and my god this blowing my mind. Very similar sound to Pianos Become The Teeth. Which FYI is amazing. I really should color code this stuff. These guys are amazing.
Fashawn - [Rap / R&B / Hip-Hop] Really talented rapper. Very similar style to Shad. Check him out. This cat is doing some amazing stuff.
The Flashbulb – [Electronic][Glitch][Beats] Really nice Nujabes style stuff, but electronic. Some of their stuff is even a bit glitchy. Seriously, Glitchy Nujabes? yep.
From First to Last – [Post hardcore] [Skrillex before he sucks] (yes that’s actually Sonny Moore singing!) 8th grade music for days
Funeral Diner – [Melodic metal] / original [Screamo] -- I believe [Skramz] movement as well. Very good shit. They also have some electronika stuff mixed in to their older stuff, it’s one of the best in the genre in my opinion, absolutely fantastic stuff.
Funeral For A Friend – [Rock][Post Punk] Lost Prophets and the like, Silverstein you know…
- [G]
Grimes -- [Hipster nonsense electronic][Gothgrind] Grimes is this Canadian chick who is making some of the most unique music I've ever heard. I honestly can't even attempt to classify her. It's just downright awesome. I'm pretty sure the repeat button is going to be sore in the morning.It's like everything good put together, and the sum is greater than the parts ...by a margin that is that disturbing. I'd marry her, but from what I hear she's married to her cat. Hope it's just a rumor. Actually, I may have just made that up I really don't remember.
The Glitch Mob -- [Electronica] Really fantastic electronic music. Really deep bass, it's difficult to describe this. Just listen.
Ghettosocks – [Fresh Hip-Hop]Sooo fucking fresh. This white rapper has a really slick flow. CHECK HIM OUT! Literally one of the doppest dudes out there. Someone asked me on my trip to Israel to define "dope" and I said "go stream Ghettosocks for a few songs." That's dope. This guy fucking defines dope to me.
Gift Of Gab – [Rapper/Hip-Hop] A pretty prolific rapper. Decent hiphop.
Glassjaw – [Technically post hardcore][Metal?] Shame if you don’t know them. –warning- lots of screaming and ex girlfriend hate! They're an experience more than a band. Check 'em
Grieves – [R&B/Hip-Hop/Beats] Rhyme sayer! So fucking slick. Really smooth lyrical style and him and Budo kill it on every track. I think Grieves is probably the most similar besides mc prolific that i've found in terms of my own lyrical style. I've had this guy on repeat for so many hours in summer of 11'.
- [H]
Homeboy Sandman [hip-hop] -- Topping off his ill rap name, this dude is straight tight. Some upbeat prolific stuff, really hilarious and extremely well produced. The video I have linked...look at his mouth. Now think about how long it takes to actually flip a rope in a circle. Yeah...it's like that.
Hermitude – [Hip-Hop][Beat smith] Really smooth composer, hiphop.
Hermitude – [Hip-Hop][Beat smith] Really smooth composer, hiphop.
Hellrazah -- Check the link from blue sky black death.
Her Breath on Glass -- [Skramz] / [Screamo] as I said I'd list it.
Her Breath on Glass -- [Skramz] / [Screamo] as I said I'd list it.
- [I]
empire! empire! IWALE (I was a lonely estate) -- It's like [Screamo core melodic], but without the screaming. Instead it's got a more indie vocalist. It's fucking amazing.
Indian Summer -- They're like a really [mellow melodic screamo] (actual screamo) band. This track linked is from 1994. They're not on Spotify FYI. That's not them.
Igorrr – [Hipster nonsense][Glitch Grind] hahahah just look it up. Indescribable.
Iwrestledabearonce -- [Post hardcore][Hipster] These goons are amazing.To be really honest I have no fucking idea why this wasn't on my list from it's inception, since they've been a favorite for awhile. The female vocalist is absolutely astonishing. She screams her fucking head off and goes ballistic the way Foxy Shazam USED to be able to.
Iwrestledabearonce -- [Post hardcore][Hipster] These goons are amazing.To be really honest I have no fucking idea why this wasn't on my list from it's inception, since they've been a favorite for awhile. The female vocalist is absolutely astonishing. She screams her fucking head off and goes ballistic the way Foxy Shazam USED to be able to.
In Fear And Faith – Christan [post hardcore]. Really good stuff. I'd put these guys as one of my favorites for sure.
Immortal Technique -- [Rap] I'm pretty sure most heads have heard of this cat. He's one of the smartest prolific MCs out there. Really direct stuff with some brutal lyrics. Shit can be haunting. I was like traumatized when I was probably no older than like 10 staying away in my room with a casset player radio hybrid. I found a hip-hop station and it was playing unedited stuff and played the song I have linked here. For YEARS I remembered the lyrics and the song, but this was before high-speed internet days or more accurately before I was old enough to use the computer. Anyway, I found it years later and he's been a favorite since. Probably my oldest favorite if you take that story into account. Oh and he refuses to sign a label!
Immortal Technique -- [Rap] I'm pretty sure most heads have heard of this cat. He's one of the smartest prolific MCs out there. Really direct stuff with some brutal lyrics. Shit can be haunting. I was like traumatized when I was probably no older than like 10 staying away in my room with a casset player radio hybrid. I found a hip-hop station and it was playing unedited stuff and played the song I have linked here. For YEARS I remembered the lyrics and the song, but this was before high-speed internet days or more accurately before I was old enough to use the computer. Anyway, I found it years later and he's been a favorite since. Probably my oldest favorite if you take that story into account. Oh and he refuses to sign a label!
Input – [Prolific rapper], really good story teller. Some great shit. Honestly, some of my favorites. I'm a lyrics junky. Addicted to words.
J Lrx - [Rap] Another local rapper that buddy at the rockgym I'm working at showed me. They're forming the new outkast they say. I don't doubt it. Shit's legit. Check this guy out.
Joell Ortiz – [Rap] Really talented rapper. That’s about it. Eminem signed him. For a damn reason.
- [J]
J Lrx - [Rap] Another local rapper that buddy at the rockgym I'm working at showed me. They're forming the new outkast they say. I don't doubt it. Shit's legit. Check this guy out.
Joell Ortiz – [Rap] Really talented rapper. That’s about it. Eminem signed him. For a damn reason.
Journal – Metal…strange….metal. Very experimental, lots of tempo change and style changes and a few really long songs that have story telling over it. Worth a listen.
- [K]
Kendrick Lamar – Section 80. This guy has been called the new pac. I shit you guys not. (Well it's been about year since I listed this cat. Update:: He apparently blew up and made some not so great music IMO...meh still enjoy Sec. 80. Aka benz is to him just a car.
Karamel Kel -- This kid (as of 2014) is only 17 or 18. Absolutely astoundingly beutiful music along the same line as nujabes.
Krewella -- Dubstep pretty dope stuff. Two chicks and a dude. I think the general consensus these days is that electronic is a predominately female vocal driven genre. and I'm glad. This is some fucking heavy shit.
Kno - [Dark Hip-Hop] From the cunning linguists. Absolutely fantastic and lyrically prolific stuff. Probably one of the most underrated producers out there. Seriously his album Death Is Silent gives me goose bumps. It's near flawless. Oh, the link I started with starts with Tonedeff rapping not Kno.
Karamel Kel -- This kid (as of 2014) is only 17 or 18. Absolutely astoundingly beutiful music along the same line as nujabes.
Krewella -- Dubstep pretty dope stuff. Two chicks and a dude. I think the general consensus these days is that electronic is a predominately female vocal driven genre. and I'm glad. This is some fucking heavy shit.
Kno - [Dark Hip-Hop] From the cunning linguists. Absolutely fantastic and lyrically prolific stuff. Probably one of the most underrated producers out there. Seriously his album Death Is Silent gives me goose bumps. It's near flawless. Oh, the link I started with starts with Tonedeff rapping not Kno.
Killing The Dream – [Metal core?]RAWRNRNR I GET ANGRYH AND SCREAM AT STUFF!!! Very powerful stuff though.
Kill The Noise -- [Dubstep / Electronic Glitch] WEPOtiawpry9uy SOUND! It's like dubstep only it's not. I have no idea.
Knife Party – [Glitchstep / Hardstyle] Dat dirty dubstep. This the side project of 2 of the lead guys from Pendulum! This is taco making music :0
Kill The Noise -- [Dubstep / Electronic Glitch] WEPOtiawpry9uy SOUND! It's like dubstep only it's not. I have no idea.
Knife Party – [Glitchstep / Hardstyle] Dat dirty dubstep. This the side project of 2 of the lead guys from Pendulum! This is taco making music :0
- [L]
Listener -- [Hipster / Spoken word?]Found these guys on Spotify related to Mewithoutyou. It's accurate. Lyrically, it's spoken word. It's amazing. I've always wondered if I could mix a lot of the spoken word stuff I've written with music...this gives me hope that it's not only doable, but it sounds fucking amazing.
Lil B - [BASED GOD] HAVE MY BABBY. This guy is tearing up the modern rap game. Lyrical genius.
Lana Del Rey -- She's like an old style 1950's (I think? I have no idea) vocalist but with modern pop mixed in and the lyrics certainly don't reflect the sound. Really great stuff. Just youtube her. She's big.
La Dispute – [Indie / Post hardcore][Unique] Some of the most poetic lyrics you’ll ever hear, objectively speaking. Totally amazing stuff. The lead vocalist is literally so astoundingly flawless it's amazing. His voice is a hybrid between screaming and singing ...at the same time. It's very difficult to describe what I mean by that... Go listen. Welcome to your new favorite band for the month. This isn't just music, this is art.
Lindsey Sterling - [Violin Step] She plays violin and is probably as cute as Zoe Dechannel. Another perfect example of a girl I would marry without meeting. God damn she has such spunk. What type of person runs around interviewing people with hipster glasses in disguise in NYC? She does o_o
Lindsey Sterling - [Violin Step] She plays violin and is probably as cute as Zoe Dechannel. Another perfect example of a girl I would marry without meeting. God damn she has such spunk. What type of person runs around interviewing people with hipster glasses in disguise in NYC? She does o_o
The Last Emperor – [Rap?] Really prolific rapper, reminds me a lot of a slowed down version of Tonedeff. He's one of the most under rated MCs out there. I personally (subjective opinion) think he's more talented than MF DOOM for example. Deltron sounds kinda like this cat.
letlive. – [sounds like glassjaw] if you're looking for a similar sound to compare to. The vocalist is absolutely intense and their subject matter is delivered in an extremely in your face manner. I love it.
Life in Your Way – [Christian post hardcore]. Very moving stuff, if you take the time to really get to know them. Waking Giants LP is a really great work of art. Start there.
Lower Definition – [Fantastic Post Hardcore]Lower D is some of the best post hardcore you’ll find if you wanna call it that. The locals are some of the most powerful in the genre, on par with Senses Fail. These guys are extremely talented, fully every track they put out is just moving in a way that is indescribable. Check out the song Miami Nights. I'd give these guys some real attention, and I don't say that lightly.
The Loyalists – Really [prolific hip-hop], in fact probably one of my favorite lyricist right now. This guy knows how the produce very unique tracks, each song is a work of art.
Lush Life - Some dope ass hiphop to check out. (can't find on youtube sorry)
Little People -- [Beats] This is some of the most (nonlyrical) emotional music I have ever been touched by in my life. generally, I'm a big fan of lyrics. Very rarely does music without lyrics truly touch me, but this group does it. Check out the song "Moon" from the Micky Mouse Operation LP. These guys are on par with BSBD.
Lush Life - Some dope ass hiphop to check out. (can't find on youtube sorry)
Little People -- [Beats] This is some of the most (nonlyrical) emotional music I have ever been touched by in my life. generally, I'm a big fan of lyrics. Very rarely does music without lyrics truly touch me, but this group does it. Check out the song "Moon" from the Micky Mouse Operation LP. These guys are on par with BSBD.
- [M]
Mike Petrow -- [Hip-hop][Underground] This cat is fucking smooth and damned hilarious. Seriously, I was an instant fan. He raps with ABGohard in a colab group called ABMP. Really really great stuff.
Metric -- It's a nice change up, and it's a bit 'mainstream' I'm sure some of you >implying readers: will recognize this 'gal's voice or 'breathing underwater'.
Meg & Dia -- [>Implying hipster] >Implying good [just the remix tho]
Mindless Self Indulgence -- [MSI][Techno-punk][Electronic-Rock] Just read the fucking wikipedia on this band. It's quite a trip. So early 00's
Moving Mountains -- [Screamo] One of the few bands I've heard that seem to get better over time and not worse. These guys are phenomenally dedicated to their work from what I've heard. It's a very similar melodic metal sound to Pianos Become The Teeth, or Devil Sold His Soul, The Saddest Landscape, Frameworks. It's very well composed music, and not just some hastley thrown together riffs and lyrics about hatred, love, and lightning.
Matchbook Romance – [Indie]haha it’s MR. They make stuff along the lines of uhh… Not Fall out Boy..what am I trying to think of… Silverstein perhaps? Funeral for a Friend? Idk
Mark iTT – It’s a strange composition of music…idk it’s a dude with a keyboard I guess? I think I was drunk when I downloaded this.
mewithoutyou – [Folk/Thrash/Hipster/Post hardcore][EVERYTHING]Quite possibly the greatest thing since music itself. Read up on these guys and study them. They are the pinnacle of what it means to make music. Every album they've put out is differnt from the last, they've evovled so far it's really amazing. These guys are easily in my top 10.
Moe Pope – [Hip-hop]some really decent hiphop
Mos Def – It’s fucking Mos Def….
Mozart Season – [Post hardcore]SCREAM ABOUT MY LIFE SUCKING AND CUTTING MYSELFF YEAAAAH! They’re talented though…
Mr. Lif – [hip-hop]
Nieve – [Rap / Hip-Hop][Underground] A pretty far underground indie kid from Cali. Really professional stuff for a self producer.
Neon Hitch -- Very interesting music. She's got a bunch of different genre stuff. It's like electro-pop but with a mix of like Lana Del Rey. Imagine the remix to summer time sadness, and that's what she makes without the remix?
- [N]
Nieve – [Rap / Hip-Hop][Underground] A pretty far underground indie kid from Cali. Really professional stuff for a self producer.
Neon Hitch -- Very interesting music. She's got a bunch of different genre stuff. It's like electro-pop but with a mix of like Lana Del Rey. Imagine the remix to summer time sadness, and that's what she makes without the remix?
No Humans Allowed – [Underground][Beats][Hip-Hop]These cats are straight dope. HumpJones (World Around) and Louis Macky (World Around) The lyrics are so far over mosts heads it crazy. This dude has like 5 rapper names. Justin Boland in real life, one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.
Nomak – [Beats] It's like Nujabes I suppose. Pretty decent production work. A bit more hiphoppy though.
MC Nobody Care – [Hip-Hop][Rap] This guy is making music the way I wish I was. It’s fucking fantastic hiphop stuff. He’s still pretty far underground, so a lot of his stuff is harder to find, but absolutely amazing. Google him up!
MC Nobody Care – [Hip-Hop][Rap] This guy is making music the way I wish I was. It’s fucking fantastic hiphop stuff. He’s still pretty far underground, so a lot of his stuff is harder to find, but absolutely amazing. Google him up!
Norma Jean – [Metal] Depending on what album it’s different. Mostly just a great metal band, one of my favorites. Check out at least this song; not for everyone, it's an aquired taste I think.
Nujabes – You might not know it, but you've probably heard his music. He's produced so much...I'm linking to his Wiki and not even his music. Read about him and listen to everything. RIP
- [O]
Oh Land! -- Similar to Lana Del Ray in a way. Also I'd put Grimes in a sorta kinda similar category, but not really... She's a great singer and song writer; extremely catchy songs. I enjoy it.
OCD: Moosh & Twist – [Underground][Hip-Hop]Two really really really talented kids from PN! These kids were 18 when they put this mix tape! FUCKING AMAZING! Really upbeat happy stuff! Love it! Unbelievable talent here and so well produced.
The Ocean – [True Metal]Really great metal, i think one of the most unknown and under rated bands. These guys define art and not sound..and through that they end up having the greatest sounds in the genre. I have no idea which song I'm trying to link...the names....the names....ugh.
Oceana – [Post hardcore]. Really decent stuff. Their new album is meh, but their old albums got me through some tough times in 11th grade. Really amazing music. Heart felt lyrics.
Of Mice & Men – [Metal][Hardcore]Some amazing metal with a crazy good vocalist.
OFWGKTA – Loitersquad you know where the fuck we at.SWAGSWAGSWAG
Oh, Sleeper – [Metal][Hardcore] Really powerful metal.This will make you want to slay kittens.
otem rellik – [Hipster][Unique Hip-Hop] This kid has so much talent. Just a white dude with a keyboard and a unique style of ‘hiphop’ Check him out, the lyrics are astounding. Very very unique, I'm not sure it's even hiphop...This song linked features Astronautalis!
Our Last Night – [Post hardcore] The lead singer Trevor Wentworth was 14 when I saw them live for the first time…jesus Christ that kid can scream harder than most out there. Their new shit is fantastic now that his voice cracked. I linked the post cracked voice version.
Paul Kalkbrenner -- [Minimalist][Electronic] I don't really know a lot about the guy, other than he makes amazing minimalist electronic music. Some of the most dope soothing stuff I've heard. So smooth.
Purity Ring -- [Hipster][Gothic Electronic][Melodic] This is quite possibly my first obsession of 2014. Found it through a random playlist. Imagine Grimes, mixed with Crystal Castles. It's that good.
Princess Superstar - [Rap] My god. The female eminem. I love this babe.
Passion Pit – [Indie-hop] AHHH :D!!! someone asked what I liked. I said “Hiphop, indie and Indie hiphop” they said “how about indie-hop?” :D!! AHHH SOOO GOOD! LOOK THESE GUYS UP!
- [P]
Paul Kalkbrenner -- [Minimalist][Electronic] I don't really know a lot about the guy, other than he makes amazing minimalist electronic music. Some of the most dope soothing stuff I've heard. So smooth.
Purity Ring -- [Hipster][Gothic Electronic][Melodic] This is quite possibly my first obsession of 2014. Found it through a random playlist. Imagine Grimes, mixed with Crystal Castles. It's that good.
Princess Superstar - [Rap] My god. The female eminem. I love this babe.
Passion Pit – [Indie-hop] AHHH :D!!! someone asked what I liked. I said “Hiphop, indie and Indie hiphop” they said “how about indie-hop?” :D!! AHHH SOOO GOOD! LOOK THESE GUYS UP!
Pianos Become The Teeth – [Melodic Metal / screamo / skramz] I love this stuff. Devil Sold His Soul, Her Breath on Glass, The Saddest Landscape, Frameworks.etc etc. These guys have some amazing lyrics, really powerful stuff. Check them out, study up.
Pierce The Veil – [Post hardcore]They’re like ….post hardcore? I guess? Idk. They're decent. They got pretty big recently. Honestly, I really can't tell with these guys. It's hit or miss between the songs o_O
Prof – [Rap/Hip-Hop] hahah funny ass white dude that doesn’t take anything seriously and raps really hard. So goofy.
Porter Robinson – [Dubstep / Glitchhop] FANTASTIC stuff. Saw this guy live at Bisco when I was trashed and fell in love.
Porter Robinson – [Dubstep / Glitchhop] FANTASTIC stuff. Saw this guy live at Bisco when I was trashed and fell in love.
Prolific – [Probably my favorite MC] as of now. Lyrical wizard, he was only 19 when he put out THINK. I'd go so far as to say he's got the same flow as Eyedea and maybe even in the same tier.
Pretty Lights -[Electronica, Glitch, Beats]Just a dude making some dope electronic music! Love it! It's like deadmau5 only not repetitive as all fuck and fucking awesome.This is literally twelve flavors of fantastic, and even better live. Check this cat.
Pretty Lights -[Electronica, Glitch, Beats]Just a dude making some dope electronic music! Love it! It's like deadmau5 only not repetitive as all fuck and fucking awesome.This is literally twelve flavors of fantastic, and even better live. Check this cat.
- [Q-R]
Qwel & Maker – [R&B hip-hop] really great.
Ratatat – Drunk? Have chicks over? Having sex? I'm not. Anyway, this is the best party drunk music ever! It’s both exhilarating and relaxing all in one. I love it. Protip: Pretty Lights, Ratatat, Blackmill, Glitchmob = best Pandora experience ever.
Rilo Kiley - The band is just a really great indie band. I discovered them through the show Weeds. The final episode plays the entire song at the end.
Rilo Kiley - The band is just a really great indie band. I discovered them through the show Weeds. The final episode plays the entire song at the end.
Rise Against – [Rock] It’s Rise Against man. They save kids from killing themselves and shit.
Shahmen -- [hiphop] This guy sounds like a polished dope ass version of Tyler the Creator. This guy is amazing. His voice is hypnotic. The beats (I'm not sure if he makes them) are phenomenal as well. Very unique with global influences.
Sadistik -- [Dark Hip-Hop][Prolific] Incredibly soothing and really heartfelt hiphop. Very similar to Kno and Cunninglynguists. I really have come to love this genre of hiphop. It's the type of music I want to be making someday. I feel like most people don't take the time to truly appreciate this level of prolificness. This song with Mac Lethal is absolutely amazing.
Seven Lions -- [Dubstep][electronic] heard this guy live at bisco and lost my fucking mind. Been a huge fan since.
Supastition -- [Rap] straight dope great flow.
- [S]
Shahmen -- [hiphop] This guy sounds like a polished dope ass version of Tyler the Creator. This guy is amazing. His voice is hypnotic. The beats (I'm not sure if he makes them) are phenomenal as well. Very unique with global influences.
Sadistik -- [Dark Hip-Hop][Prolific] Incredibly soothing and really heartfelt hiphop. Very similar to Kno and Cunninglynguists. I really have come to love this genre of hiphop. It's the type of music I want to be making someday. I feel like most people don't take the time to truly appreciate this level of prolificness. This song with Mac Lethal is absolutely amazing.
Seven Lions -- [Dubstep][electronic] heard this guy live at bisco and lost my fucking mind. Been a huge fan since.
Supastition -- [Rap] straight dope great flow.
The Saddest Landscape – [Skramz] [Screamo] movement. Pretty damn decent screamo / melodic metal! Very unique vocal style.
Saosin – [Metal/Hardcore/Post hardcore] Same as Silverstien and them. It’s 8th grade music! However, Saosin is objectively one of the defining bands of the genre. The lead singer went on to forum and front
Scale The Summit – It’s [metal]…its similar to Journal.
Scary Kids Scaring Kids – [Post hardcore][Unique] SKSK is easily one of my favorites and will remain among them for a long time. I'd rank their first album on my top ten easily. These guys bear it all. If you're not digging their screaming or first album they made a very 'emo' album after that. Very deep, very emotional. Absolutely perfection. This isn't just a high school band screaming about hating love and shit. These guys are amazing.
Scroobius Pip – [Go youtube him] Seriously this guy is one of the most prolifc rappers i've found and his video is absurd! He might actually be a genius or something...
Sene – Really mellow stuff [hip-hop].
Senses Fail – [Post hardcore] I can't put into words how much this band meant and still means to me today. Actually I can. A lot. The raw emotion in Buddy's voice is ....breath taking. These guys are in my favorites, both in musical taste and just overall ....like...I can't even think of a way to explain this. Senses Fail has been and will remain my favorite band until I die at an old age.
Serengeti – [Unique][Hip-Hop] This guy's 2007 album is some really unique stuff worth checking out! It's a very unique take on hiphop. (( took me awhile to dig this link up!)) He's been around for a long time and changes up styles as times change. Really talented old school hiphop.
Shad – [Rap/R&B/Hip-Hop] Probably one of the most talented underground rappers out there! SO GOOD! His music is amazing and his rap and lyrical flow is fantastic. Youtube him or spotify or anything. Objectively some of the greatest lyrics I've ever heard. This guy is top of the food chain of the genre.
Silverstein – [post hardcore]Yeah, I'm not sure waht to really say about these guys. They're freaking talented. If you're into Saosin (you are) you'll be into these guys.
Soul Khan – [Fresh Hip-hop] SOOOOO FUCKING FRESH!!! Check him out! One of the best MCs out of Brooklyn. New age battle rapper. Really dope.
The Sound Providers – [Classic hip-hop] Really nice sound. Taking hiphop to its roots!
Specifics – Its’ some chill hiphop R&B
A Static Lullaby – [Post hardcore] Honestly this will remain of my favorite bands forever. We're talking 6th grade entry music for me. These guy (until rattlesnake) were making some of the most heart felt singles out there. Check out their old stuff. If you're into Senses Fail (you are) you'll be into these guys. So many fucking 8th grade girls uploading there songs I can't find a good version....
Sweatshop Union – [Classic Hip-hop] to its roots! Really political pretty fucking dope stuff! White guys!
System of a Down – SOAD! I mean come on, who doesn't know this stuff?
- [T-->Z]
Theo Martins – [Unique][Rap/Hip-Hop/Electronic] Check out “Turn It Up!”
Tonedeff – [Rap] Fastest rapper ever? I’d say damn close. Buster has nothing on this cat. Again, another top of the food chain types. I think if Eyedea had to battle this guy it might be close.
Tyler, the Creator – OF
Tegan & Sara -- [Acoustic/Indie][Hipster]Two sisters (are they both lesbians? or am I stereotyping...) that make some great music. Not as ridiculous as the CocoRosie duo, but still amazing. Less drugs, more acoustic.
The Uncluded -- [Unique] So this is what happens when you put the chick who made all the music from JUNO and Aesop Rock together. The sum is better than the parts. This is amazing and some of the best produced music I've ever heard.
Zed - Electronic? Similar to zed is dead?
Zed is Dead - [Dubstep/Trap] I have no idea how to classify electronic guys. 2TRAP4ME
100deadrabbits -- [hipster nonsense omfg] This hilarious nonsense you need to fucking find and listen to.
Witness - John Witness Par is a Indie prolific rapper. Check him out. He's been a huge influence in my lyrical style and inspiration to actually write. A lot of the local cats around here joined him on tour live. Check this guy out for sure. Poetry in motion folks. He's one of the smoothest prolific cats in the game right now. Straight hailing from Indianapolis this guy reps it hard. Total hipster, but god damn this dude is smooth. I'd fuck him and I'm straight. He's also pretty damn brilliant.
Tegan & Sara -- [Acoustic/Indie][Hipster]Two sisters (are they both lesbians? or am I stereotyping...) that make some great music. Not as ridiculous as the CocoRosie duo, but still amazing. Less drugs, more acoustic.
The Uncluded -- [Unique] So this is what happens when you put the chick who made all the music from JUNO and Aesop Rock together. The sum is better than the parts. This is amazing and some of the best produced music I've ever heard.
Zed - Electronic? Similar to zed is dead?
Zed is Dead - [Dubstep/Trap] I have no idea how to classify electronic guys. 2TRAP4ME
100deadrabbits -- [hipster nonsense omfg] This hilarious nonsense you need to fucking find and listen to.
Witness - John Witness Par is a Indie prolific rapper. Check him out. He's been a huge influence in my lyrical style and inspiration to actually write. A lot of the local cats around here joined him on tour live. Check this guy out for sure. Poetry in motion folks. He's one of the smoothest prolific cats in the game right now. Straight hailing from Indianapolis this guy reps it hard. Total hipster, but god damn this dude is smooth. I'd fuck him and I'm straight. He's also pretty damn brilliant.
Underoath – Another great entry level band defining the great line- I mean Genre.... they scream…then they got a singer…so they scream and sing…and then they lost their singer...and then they just screamed... It's all absolutely fantastic. They've been around for longer than almost any band and they've defined their genre for awhile. Underoath is honestly one of the best entry metal / metalcore bands around. Not withstanding their first ever LP, these guys have gone on to make some amazing music.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Xgxeal328
The Used – Seriously and objectively some of the best music ever. Period. Their new stuff (as with most bands) isn't as fantastic…but Burt is literally one of the greatest screaming singers out there. Their album THE USED seriously was my genesis, along with senses fail and a static lullaby. The song I have linked kept a razor off my wrist on multiple occations.
The Used – Seriously and objectively some of the best music ever. Period. Their new stuff (as with most bands) isn't as fantastic…but Burt is literally one of the greatest screaming singers out there. Their album THE USED seriously was my genesis, along with senses fail and a static lullaby. The song I have linked kept a razor off my wrist on multiple occations.
We Came As Romans – WECAR is a screaming band like Emarosa! krawrrraww
100DEADRABBITS – Cybergrind! Some strange shit…sea of dreams…look it up!
Two Doors Cinema Club -- The only red head you'll find that has a soul! These guys make some really crazy music with ...I think a uke? I haven't a club. It sounds dope.
Two Doors Cinema Club -- The only red head you'll find that has a soul! These guys make some really crazy music with ...I think a uke? I haven't a club. It sounds dope.
{I wrote this list up for Aderstria Fans}
If you're looking for sounds to incorporate, something to really analyze and pick apart of what it's worth at a core level, or music that is totally off the beaten track, I'll hipster you in a bit...
If you're looking for sounds to incorporate, something to really analyze and pick apart of what it's worth at a core level, or music that is totally off the beaten track, I'll hipster you in a bit...
If you're not digging it, skip it, I'm going to post from a ton of genres and influences.
___Format as follows__
Artist / Band -- Song Name
Blazo -- The Alone Journey.
If you're digging Nujabes type influences, you might want to check this guy out.
Aether -- Makeshift Sanctuary
I don't know about this guy, but his style and influence is very unique, I'm totally digging it.
As well this cat Witness...
Witness (Hiphop) -- Coffee Shop Dinner
This guy’s rhyme schemes are smooth, his vocabulary is superfluous, and his style and beats are just immaculate.
Some of the cats from his live band went to my high school. I'd give him a spit, and read the lyrics if you have time. You can learn a lot about how to fit words together.
The Flashbulb -- Undiscovered Colors
This concludes the Nujabes sound mashup influence... I'll move on, but I'd at least listen to this stuff, and pick apart the different sounds.
Assuming you haven't already listened to the entire album that the Pixies put out, I'd at least listen to the 'fight club' stuff -- It's got a really gritty, really down to earth sound.
The Butthole Surfers -- Pepper
Well, these guys have a cooler name than many bands around, and their prelude and intros really hit home.
It's a very unique vocal style, and production is straight up art. It's worth giving a shot if you're looking for a gritty foo fighters style that isn't just screaming THE BEST x 100
Nostalgia your thing?
A Static Lullaby. Still an old standby, as well with Senses Fail, and even Skrillex when his band carried him in From First To Last as Sunny Moore.
I mean hell, you could even tac The Devil Wears Prada to the middleschool play list!
Atreyu / Mudvayne / Slipknot / Disturbed for you metal heads in middle school / elementary (though I was never a fan myself)
Dance Gavin Dance -- And I told them I invented Times New Roman
I'll spare everyone my opinion, shame on you if you haven't heard these guys.
And now without further ado, unto the good stuff.
Funeral Diner -- We Become Buried
Although admittedly I can't understand a fucking word of this, I think it's fantastic. The addition of the harpsichord makes them one of the most unique sounds out there, not to mention the high quality production and recordings (it's tough to really find on YouTube and the like)
The way they transition from verse to verse is fantastic; I'd give them a listen, especially their interludes.
Pianos Become the Teeth - "The House We Die In"
With a style that is almost entirely its own, these guys really know how to put on a show. I'd study their cinematography if you ever plan to release a cheap budget video.
I'm really digging the instrumental work these guys have created.
If you're digging PBTT, check out the old (and new...) album that
Circle Becomes the Square -- Non-objective Portrait of Karma
Perhaps one of the finest works of musical art I have ever heard. These guys take years...** YEARS ** to produce this stuff. They're musicians through and through. I waited nearly 6 years (from high school until end of college)
For their new CD, and god damn....the entire thing is gapless (song goes into the next) and really exemplifies true art, including cover art, and portrayal of sound / lyrical genius. The whole thing almost makes the room come alive.
I'd give this 5 out of 5 stars (and that's rare for me...)
I'm really enjoying the simplistic style, sewn together in almost a tapestry of sounds that break in and out / over each other.
Although I wouldn't peg the next band so high, it's a much more subtle, much more emotionally felt group...similar influence, but I'm really digging it.
Her Breath on Glass -- My Sweet Recovery
They're a younger group from what I understand, though I haven't exactly studied these guys.
The very same should be said for this next group
The Saddest Landscape
If you're sick of that sound, and you have an iphone, stream this. I refuse to comment.
PART TWO (because 8,000 char limit)
This is pure genius for those of you who live on the edge of reality, society, and enjoy the offbeat word play, and intellectual themes this cat is going to BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND
Scroobius Pip -- Introdiction
Although many of you whose attention I still have will probably recognize these guys, I think they're worth a listen, as they're one of my all time favorites of this unique genre. It blends the sounds of punk and post hardcore with instrumentals and drum lines that clash in a crescendo of bone shattering vocals and pure bliss.
This is like Johnny Craig without the grit of Dance Gavin Dance... No sorry, that's Emrosa's Last album (I'll get to that next)
Lower Definition -- Miami Nights
Listen to it all the way through, it's similar to Senses Fail in that Buddy always saved his brutal crescendo for the end.
Well, this is literally Johnny Craig (not Craig Owens people... that's Chiodos and I'd peg them as a must listen.)
Emarosa -- A Toast To The Future Kids (( Self-titled 2010 Album only ))
Can't get enough Glassjaw?
Well how about this guy? Some of the best videos since Greenday, and a great band to back up the insanity that is just bursting from these guys vocals and stage presence. It’s like watching Glassjaw, with the crazy factor (cocaine pre-rehab) of Foxy Shazam – Ghost Animals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ck2g5gHSQ-k
Anywho, that aside, check out
Anywho, that aside, check out
letlive. -- Casino Columbus
For the record I have no idea how much drugs it takes to understand this video, but I clearly haven't taken them yet...
A fan of Norma Jean's new (or old stuff)?
Check out
Killing The Dream -- Hang the Jury!
Of Mice & Men
Oh, Sleep -- The Finisher
You can hear the hatred and ambition to concur without the lyrics...with them you'll fear for your life...or it will inspire you to crush the world.
"I'll stand you'll see....me over all of your fallen...I'll be ...knee deep...KNEE DEEP IN A SEA OF THIER ORGANS!"
Or, how about we get to the root of some of modern metal?
Check out "THE OCEAN"
Precambrian album?
I don't care what Album really, I don't care what song....this is what is means to be a musician. These guys have been doing it far longer than most
For those who are down with the more religious-ish style scene for posthard core / screamo...try checking any of these out [as a disclaimer I’m 100% sure some aren’t considered ‘Christian or even religious at all]
Confide, Oceana (Not their new album), In Fear and Faith, As Cities Burn (very unique sound each album HIGHLY RECOMENDED!), Blessthefall, Mewithoutyou, Life In Your way (amazing), Brandnew (no screaming just good), Agraceful, Adestria, Burden of a Day (very highly recommended with Life in your way),
Akissforjersey -- Leave that man be
These guys are amazing, every song is very unique. I'm really digging their vocals.
Really trying to impress the hipster scene crowed? Brag about
100deadrabbits -- Sea of Dreams
These guys are fucking insane, mixing deathcore with grindcore...with...wait for... NINTENDO CORE!
They're fucking fantastic.
You can also check out the work of this French dude
Igorrr - Brutal Swing
There are no words to portray this sound... There really aren't. Go listen.
Every song this guy makes is pretty ridiculous.
For a really nuts sound you can listen to (then) 14 year old vocalist from
Our Last Night
On every album that wasn't We Will Evolve. This kid, Trevor Wentworth has some of the most brutal cords these days, I'd check out this bands progression start to finish. SO MUCH TALENT
Into cutting yourself? Or Donney Darko? If yes then
Mozart Season -- Cellar Doors
is the band for you!
Listen as these British kids go ape shit and make decent music...
Anywho, that's about all I've got. -shrug- If you want anything else even further off beat to the point where it's not even on youtube let me know
Last update: 5/6/14
Everyone that reads this should take the time to make one of these
>Spelling Genre wrong this many times.
I get like 90% of my music from this mofo
(It's not actually Tayzonday...)
Check out his music lists here.
{Note to self: High Light Names -- Hyperlink to example on youtube and clean this the fuck up}
Last update: 5/6/14
Everyone that reads this should take the time to make one of these
>Spelling Genre wrong this many times.
I get like 90% of my music from this mofo
(It's not actually Tayzonday...)
Check out his music lists here.
{Note to self: High Light Names -- Hyperlink to example on youtube and clean this the fuck up}
Daimyo! – Mark Godfrey is a based Godfrey. Damn nice beats. One of the coolest dudes I know personally. Check out these cats label. One of the nicest dudes one can come by, well spoken and knows his shit when it comes to music. It's his art, and he's damn good at it.
Senpai - My buddy Mike is probably the most talented person ever or something; it's actually unfair to the rest of us. He straight rips people apart in ping-pong and plays keyboard like no one else. Oh, and every other instrument. I'm like 90% sure he's good at everything, literally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1__JoCpC_94 This guy plays like 10 instruments or something absurd. Part of Witness's live band and again one of the nicest people I've ever met.
Senpai - My buddy Mike is probably the most talented person ever or something; it's actually unfair to the rest of us. He straight rips people apart in ping-pong and plays keyboard like no one else. Oh, and every other instrument. I'm like 90% sure he's good at everything, literally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1__JoCpC_94 This guy plays like 10 instruments or something absurd. Part of Witness's live band and again one of the nicest people I've ever met.

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